Today is AMAZING!
It’s officially been 4 years since I began my photography journey. 4 years ago today I graduated college and ordered my first DSLR camera. I had no idea what I was doing you guys, seriously. And I’m not afraid to admit I still reference YouTube and blogs to teach myself on occasion.
First, I am a self taught photographer. Since I was young, I had that represent drive in me. When I had to raise money with fundraisers to go to Las Vegas for our National JAMZ cheer competition, I sold the heck out of those Gold Canyon Candles to anyone with a pulse. I had a goal, and I was going to achieve it! The same goes for my business.
I had some time this spring to sit down and really evaluate my business and ask myself some tough questions.
Where do I want to see myself in a year?
How am I serving my clients?
Am I really providing the best experience for my clients?
What can I do better?
It came down to you guys, my family, friends and clients. I was failing you, and in turn, myself. I was focused on getting a good photo more than ensuring you actually enjoy your photography experience. My website was basic and a tad boring. I pride myself on creating beautiful graphic designs for other businesses, yet my own design was lacking because I didn’t have a clear vision for my own business. I was wearing all the hats and trying to do all the things without really focusing on where I wanted to go, what I was trying to accomplish and without a solid plan. I wasn’t providing the experience I wanted for my clients, which is why I had to make this change.
When I received my design questionnaire from my designer, I was immediately inspired. I was able to identify what I wanted my brand to portray. I mean my business is MY name, so it’s me essentially. I knew I had to make some changes personally and professionally to accomplish my goals. I sucked it up and got in front of the camera because the number of likes I get on those photos tells me you guys actually like to see my face…so I guess I’ll have to start making that a regular thing.
My website makes me happy. It feels elegant, inviting and clean. I feel like it’s finally something I can be proud of instead of something I’m just ‘meh’ about. This website showcases my clients photos in the best way, and is so much better than I could have ever dreamed.
I realized through this process, it’s ok to have help. I hired a designer because I wanted the time to devote to improving my client experience. My pricing guides look ten times better and my ability to assist with pre-session prep has taken a complete 180 degree turn. I am so thankful I chose to invest in creating this space, this virtual storefront, for me and for you.
So as you pop around my new website, I hope you feel that it inspires and evokes the natural vibes I strive to portray in my imagery. I want this site to be my virtual studio where I can showcase my amazing clients, share my thoughts and grow as a business owner and photographer right along with you. I strive to enhance the natural beauty of the moment – I never over edit your images or create anything less than a beautiful snapshot of the natural moment.
With this new website, new look and HUGE milestone, I want to celebrate with you and invite you to join me on this journey!
So hang out around here for a bit today and let me know what you think! I welcome your feedback.